Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 2

Day 2... Again sorry for the mirror shot and please excuse the frazzled mess that is me, this was taken after a full day of school!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 1

So, today is the first post in my 30 day summer clothing challenge. I was running SUPER late this morning (I know weird and totally out of character right?). Anywhoo... I am telling you this because I had to take the picture of myself. I know it's very Freshman girl and I should probably being sticking my tongue out or maybe holding up a peace sign but I digress...


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

30 day challenge

So, I was reading a blog recently where she gave herself a 30 day challenge. The challenge is to wear 30 different outfits in 30 days! So, I have decided to do this! I'm actually pretty excited!!! I plan on doing one each season! Summer 1st since Oklahoma is hot until October! I think this will help me change up my wardrobe and use ALL my clothes! I SO easily get in to a clothes rut... feeling like I look like an EEEKKK...Teacher! No, I don't wear seasonal sweaters or denim jumpers but I just feel frumpy! Also, she does a post every Friday which she calls grateful for Friday (BEST NAME EVER... I mean who isn't grateful for Friday!) Where she goes through the week and tells one thing for each day that she is grateful for! LOVE IT!!! Outfit number 1 is up tomorrow... GET EXCITED!!!
